Summary for blog post "Birds" , by Shanika
In her blog post, Shanika explains how after seeing a bird she began to wonder about different types of birds. She decided to look on Google to find and learn more things about birds. She then created a wonderful list of bird names she knows. Shanika also incorporated a nice picture of a bird in her blog post.
On September 14, 2014, I left this comment on Shanika's blost post named "Birds":
"Shanika, you know way more bird names than I do! My absolute favorite type of birds are hummingbirds. My grandmother and I sit on her patio and watch her hummingbirds all the time. She used to tell my sister and I that we were a lot like hummingbirds, quick and quiet. I love that you put a picture of a bird and how you centered the text."
Summary for blog post "Pizza chicken strips", by William
In this blog post William describes a new food that he would invent and he would call it pizza chicken strips. William's tasteful invention would include: chicken strips,cheese, ranch, and pepperonis. I personally think that this is very good idea and it shows creativity as well as realism.
On September 20, 2014, I left this comment on William's blog post:
"William, my name is Kela Miller and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I would love to try your invention! Pizza and chicken strips are two of my favorite foods and this combines them into one. Perhaps I will try to cook some pizza chicken strips soon. I would love to know of any other inventions that you come up with, especially food ones."
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